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If you are dissatisfied with our service, tell us!

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Invite your friends and make money!

Invite your friends to and earn 5% of premiums paid.

For this:

1) Read and accept terms of the agreement.

3) Send the invitation link to your friends by any means
4) Enter your card number

* If you do not have a bank card, you can send us your bank account information, or you can get your earnings at our office.

Your earnings in amount of net 5% after deducting taxes will be paid to your card or bank accaunt during 15 days.

Your achievements - Compulsory
Inssued policies: 0
Paid policies: 0
Your earnings: 0 AZN
Your achievements - Compulsory Property
Inssued policies: 0
Paid policies: 0
Your earnings: 0 AZN
Your achievements - Travel
Inssued policies: 0
Paid policies: 0
Your earnings: 0 AZN
Your achievements - Kasko (Special)
Inssued policies: 0
Paid policies: 0
Your earnings: 0 AZN